Our Services

Have a problem to solve, need some fresh thinking and perspective, we provide this and so much more, whilst collaborating with your team to reach the best possible outcomes. Thinksideways bring together a team of experts for what ever your business may need. Along with our trading partner Dragon King Co for tailored Asia sourcing & procurement solutions.


Design, Innovation, Research and Development; we strive to find a solution that works for you aesthetically, financially, is fit for purpose & can be efficiently manufactured.

Our team of highly qualified designers & technicians, utilize the latest technology, tools and research to bring to life a deliverable that meets or exceeds your expectations.


On the pulse of the latest global innovations and technologies. Our team is always researching, innovating and staying ahead of the curve.

We have an extensive network of global suppliers for every possible component right from raw materials to specialized packaging needs.


Dragon King Co have an extensive, established supply chain throughout Asia-Pacific allowing us to deliver a wide range of product to meet your needs.

Our suppliers are some of the best in the world and not short on any compliance required to meet your needs accordingly.


Developing product in China can be tricky business. Thinksideways is your project manager following through all elements to ensure expectations and deliveries stay on track. We are on the ground in at the factories, closely following production to ensure quality standards are met, timings are controlled, any issues are trouble-shot and our clients are kept updated.


We set approval & testing benchmarks collaboratively with clients to ensure your needs are met & put in place SOP’s & AQL levels to manage accordingly.

We work with the best quality inspectors & testing laboratories to ensure everything is to standard and share reports as required. You can have your own requirements or use our partners, SGS, Intertec, Qualspec, QIMA.


We work with a number of shipping agents and added value logistics providers, or we deliver to your preferred forwarders to arrange through your own channels.

Air, Sea & Land shipments are all fine.

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